Case Study: Specialty Glove Brand


Premium Work Glove brand with strategic priorities to refine their source strategy by reviewing current source base, expanding regional source base and introductions to new potential factory partners; and finding a leader on the ground in Asia to work directly with the factories to run development, quality, and provide direct production updates.


Build out 3-year source strategy 

  • Identify and align sourcing needs

  • Factory partner review, introductions

  • Recruitment & development of candidate list to find Asia leader on ground

Results and Deliverables

Built out 3-Yr Source Strategy to plan supplier invest / divest. Recommended consolidation of source base and diversification of partner countries.


3-Year Strategy

Supplier investment/ divestment plan


New Factory Partners


Source Base Consolidation Recommendation


1 New Hire

Operations Manager (Asia Leader On Ground)


New Production Countries 



Introduced Quality Management company to provide support for audits, standards and production tracking

David Kelley