Case Study: CA/US Nearshore Replenishment


Leading e-commerce supplier of licensed products wanting to reduce time to market, cost, increase capacity and remove inventory from their replenishment supply chain. Client lacked internal experience to develop and implement end-to-end process and technology systems to deliver replenishment Near Shore.


Build End-to-End Near-Shore replenishment strategy for tees, fleece, jerseys

  • Sourcing Capacity

  • Process Design and Tech Stack with IT team

  • Organization Design for Sr Operations Team

Phase 2: Add additional high profile customers to platform leveraging scale of Supply Chain

Results and Deliverables

Zefyr served as Interim Replenishment leader, driving end to end process execution.


+$14M Revenue

Added additional 110K units capacity

-300K Inventory

Moved from Client owned to Factory

+5 BPS

Margin Addition


50% LT Reduction

Reduced LT by 14 days to customer

Completed Org Redesign 

Completed Org Redesign for $1B Client

David Kelley