We Changed Our Name. Here’s Why.

Over the last few months, we’ve made a small but important tweak to our name. 

Most of you may know us as simply “Zefyr” …and we like that. But our commercial name has always been Zefyr Consulting, and as we spoke to customers, clients, and friends, we came to realize that this was no longer accurate. So we changed it. 

Now, our new, formal name is Zefyr Solutions. Here’s the logic behind that shift:

  1. We have always stated - since Day 1 - that “We’re more than Consultants. We’re Practitioners.” Yes, we do all of the traditional advisory and consulting stuff, but we also get our hands dirty because that’s what we’ve spent our careers doing. We’ve always been successful working this way, and this is how we work with our clients.

  2. As we’ve grown, we’re being asked to do more than just advise and consult. In fact, many have said “Can you just run our supply chain for us?” So we’ve added Supply Chain as a Service (SCaaS) to our list of offerings. It’s a nice rounding of what we do: “Teach us to Fish” as well as “Fish for Us.”

Zefyr Solutions is simply a better fit for who we are and what we do. It more broadly describes the value we provide, the principles we use to deliver that value, and the incredible group of people who make up our team.

But no matter what name you know us by, we hope you know this: we’re still here to drive the best solutions for our Footwear, Apparel and Accessories customers and the industry as a whole as we achieve better outcomes. 

Questions or thoughts? Please drop us an email dk@zefyrsolutions.com. We always want to hear from you.

David Kelley